Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some Quotage For Ya

"Everybody is unique. Compare not yourself with anybody else lest you spoil God’s curriculum.”
— Baal Shem Tov

The Baal Shem Tov (aka Besht) was a Jewish mystical rabbi considered to be the founder of Hasidic Judaism. Though he lived in the 1700's, I'd say he was on to something, you think?

"Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.”
— Aesop

Speaks for itself, I dare say.

A Little Empowerment to Get Your Day Going

Despite our irritation with the thin obsessed nature of our society, we do not have to become victims. Just like a child born into a poor family, or someone who has experienced any kind of hardship during their life, we have the power to rise above our situation, to not give in to the pressures that we find pressing in on us. We may have to fight hard, we may not always want to challenge the norms that surround us, but if we don't, where will we end up?
You may be wondering, why try to fight it? What difference is it going to make, I still want to look like these beautiful people. But think about this. To always be chasing the impossible, to constantly be fixated on the way we look, on our external image, is really an epic waste of time. Think of the strengths we've all been given, and think of the good that we can bring into the world by utilizing them. I can't argue that it shouldn't matter to us how we look, because of course it does! But to recognize that the way we look is only one small part of us, that we have a plethora of other gifts to give to the world is what will help us put the importance of our external image in perspective. You are the only person in the world who is exactly like you. (Too cliche for you?) But it's true. No one else can do the things that you can in exactly the way that you do. So it's time to begin to focus on what really matters to us.
In 20 years, what do you want to have done? Do you want to have impacted the world in some way? Do you want to have brought some good into this planet, or to have inspired someone else to do good? Because by continuously scrutinizing our bodies, we're losing a lot of time that could be spent accomplishing goals, or making friends, or just enjoying our lives.
Crazy right? To me, it's pretty crazy that we can forget how amazing we are just because we feel dissatisfied with the way we look. It's such a small part of us! But we all do it. I definitely do! But you know what's funny? As soon as I get the chance to pull my nose out of whatever fashion magazine I'm so seriously studying and just take a little walk, or talk to a friend, or concentrate on something else, I feel the pieces of the puzzle that is my life falling back into place.
So, I ask you, what can you do to help yourself feel as wonderful as I know you are? Maybe it's drawing, or writing, or talking to a friend, or just sitting outside. Whatever it is that you need to do, do it! I know I'm going to try as well.
Let me know how it all goes, and remember, you rock!
Till Next Time,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Frustration Nation

I'm angry. I'm angry about the state of the society in which girls have to grow up today. I'm angry that despite our most valiant efforts, we continue to be bombarded and negatively affected by the women we see in the media. You can say it, how overdone and almost cliche this topic has become. But for myself, I must rage against the unfair expectations that we have developed for ourselves, largely due to the unattainable body types we see on every magazine cover, in every editorial, every billboard, commercial, and music video. It isn't fair. And it isn't right.
I'm angry that no matter how hard I try, I envy these girls. I envy the simplicity of their silhouettes, I envy their spotless faces and I envy the recognition they receive for their win in the genetic lottery. I'm tired of fighting feelings of insignificance and ugliness every time I read a magazine, or watch a show on television.
I'm angry that an industry that is so insanely plastic and so transparently shallow can have the power to dismantle my self esteem, when I've worked for so long and so diligently to learn how to love me for me, without the condition of looking a certain way.
I'm angry. I'm so tired of the hypocrisy that flows through the veins of a society that preaches self esteem while really bringing us down with impossible standards of perfection that can only be achieved by means of photo shop or starvation.
It's wrong. Really wrong. But let's get real here, is this honestly going to change? Or is it something we need to learn to live with, this feeling of inadequacy and mediocrity when comparing ourselves to women whose rail thin exteriors have gained them countless accolades and turned them into goddesses whom we worship almost religiously?
It's really sick when you think about it.
And something has to change.
Or else we will be swallowed up by starvation, diet pills, and plastic surgery.
We deserve to love ourselves, we deserve to look in the mirror and feel beautiful, not because we are what a magazine says we should be, but because we are proud of who we are and what we stand for and because gosh darn it, we think we look pretty damn hot thank you very much!
Easier said than done right?
But we need to work on this, and maybe if we all work together, we won't have to stand in front of a mirror scrutinizing our bellies, our cellulite (which is NORMAL) and the pimples that pop up monthly (also NORMAL!).
Alright, though I could go on forever, I'll stop here and let you process all of this until next time.
Love you all, and I hope you love yourselves too.
Until next time,